2014년 10월 3일 금요일

Inform and express - Recommend a small house

Recently, I found an interesting book which is about house. The name of that book is <Recommend a small house>. This book tells us why living in a small house worthwhile.

I think Koreans are abnormally obsessed with house. They usually get loans to live in a bigger house when they take a job and work for repayment for their lifetime. Work becomes nothing but just means for money. People dreams of a large house with dress room and each rooms for children and many bathrooms and wide living room… and so on. Japanese are not much different from Korean. People want more big furniture and household goods.

But do you agree with the idea that these big things ensure a good life? Of course they can provide convenience. We can put many clothes in big closet and many foods in refrigerator. But I think people are forgetting why they possess things and they are possessing to possess.

This book, <Recommend a small house> suggests us ‘A minus philosophy’. If we define ‘A plus philosophy’ as a possessive idea, ’a minus philosophy’ is an idea back to the essentials. 
It starts with a simple question. “What is house?” We need house to protect us from cold and heat and to have independent place from outside. A bedroom has only to make us sleep well and other places also have only to maintain their essential functions.  The writer of this book tells us that we are able to find happiness from the essentials, escaping from possessiveness.  

 Every house in this book is very small. Readers may think that it is impossible to live in those places. But everything we need in our lives is equipped. <Recommend a small house> is not a guide book to build small house, it is a philosophy book about our lives. The writer says “living with what we really love is the most luxurious life”  

This video is about an american tiny house I found
in Youtube.  If you are planning to move in other house or buy new one, I hope you read this book before. 

댓글 3개:

  1. I will borrow 'Recommend a small house' book at the library today. Your writing was completely broke my preconceptions of house. People need to find happiness from the essentials, escaping from possessiveness.

  2. Nowadays many people have different thinking about their home. And I also think it is not necessary to buy a house with a loan. I think practical living and internal stability in home is more important than the size of the house.

  3. I'm very inspired with breaking my prejudice. I thought the bigger house is the better house. Thanks to your writing, my possessive idea can be change.
